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Articles On Drama and Original Short Works

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Original Dramatic Works

General Statement About Copyrights

The plays, skits, and other original dramatic performance pieces on this web site are original works and are protected by copyright. They are reprinted here by permission of the authors, who retain all rights to their work.

Each piece is accompanied by a copyright statement, and specific conditions for use. It is our intent to provide the Christian community with limited (and at no charge) access to these works for the purpose of performing them live in a worship setting, or in a church youth group setting, while the authors continue to retain complete rights over their work.

Please read and adhere to the conditions of use that accompany each original performance work. Failure to agree to the conditions or to abide by the conditions means that your permission to print, copy, or perform any of these works is denied.


As you use and perform these original dramatic pieces, please consider sending an e-mail to the thefaithfulword.org and describe how the performance went. We would be appreciative of any constructive feedback or advice you might wish to provide to others who desire to perform the same piece.

Thank you, and remember, drama is worship that glorifies God when it edifies the church, reaches the lost, and instructs God’s children in the Word and in the ways of righteousness.

Dramatic Sketches
In Spirit and in Truth--A dramatic sketch about the Woman at the Well
Paul's Defense--Sketch depicting Paul's defense before Agrippa and Festus
Under Heaven--A dramatic sketch about the meaning of life from Ecclesiastes

Dramatic Readings
Birth of Christ--A dramatic reading based on Luke and Matthew
Christmas Reading--A dramatic reading telling the meaning of Christmas
Psalm 139--A dramatic reading of Psalm 139
Around the Throne--A dramatic reading showing Jesus is the Lamb and Christ
Entreat Me Not to Leave You--A dramatic reading based on the Book of Ruth

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Page Last Revised: November 8, 2003